Monday, February 9, 2009

Feb. 9, 2009: TIme To Play Catch Up

안 녕

Well it seems to be about that time for me to update my blog. Can you believe it, I've been here for 9 months now! I knew the time would go by fast but it feels like just yesterday that the US economy was good, I was rockin' the green Volvo, and saying "I swear I'm gonna go to Korea". For those of you who haven't heard I'll be returning to the States early in May. I've been doing a lot of thinking and planning about my upcoming move so if any of you have leads on a job, a place to live or a car I would really appreciate it. Now, onto the adventures.

1. I had the opportunity to go to my first hockey game and man, was it awesome. I've been told by many Canadians that the quality of the game was not near NHL but I still had a good time. I actually enjoyed sitting in the rink all bundled up, oh and the zamboni too, but that figures. I'm definitely hoping to visit some Sharks games back in Cali.

2. I visited the National Museum of Korea with my friends Angela and Trevor (happy Angela). It's pretty amazing to be in an area where I have such easy access to cultural centers, gotta make sure I fill my quota. The other really nice thing about visiting museums and other tourist attractions is the ridiculously cheap entrance fees. For this particular museum it was free because we came pretty late but normally its only about $3. The museum was HUGE, I've read on the reliable Wikipedia that it's the biggest in Asia and 6th biggest in the world. The collection inside was interesting but I really enjoyed the architecture and layout of the building.

3. One recent event that brought me back home was seeing The Roots in concert. The show was amazing, one of the best I've ever seen. Keep in mind that it's also possible that I've been so deprived of live music that I forgot what it sounded like. Nonetheless I had an amazing time and a bunch of my friends caught souvenirs that they were throwing out to the crowd, Justin caught a drum head and Hannah and Heidi caught drum sticks. But none for me :(. The venue was really nice and small so I was right up there near the front. I'm also hoping to go see John Legend in late March.

4. I'd have to say out of all the things I've done recently, having my mom visit was the best. After being here for 9 months seeing a familiar face was amazing. For Seollal we went down over the 4 day weekend to visit relatives. It was surprisingly a really nice and relaxing trip; everyone was so excited to see my mom that I flew under the radar. Which is where you want to be when visiting Korean relatives, believe me. The trip also gave me a chance to learn about my parent's past which is a pretty intriguing story. I'm glad that I also had a chance to hear it while in Korea because the context would have been lost any other way. Another amazing tidbit is that I found out that I have 46 cousins, crazy! Here's one of them, cute huh?

5. For those of you that love sushi, this last story is for you. Before my mom left, one of my cousins and her husband took us out to dinner to this Japanese restaurant. There was only 6 of us but they served enough food for 12. This first picture is the appetizers they served us. Keep in mind that this picture only shows half of it because the same thing was on the other side of the table for the other 3 people. Next came the tempera, pajangs (Korean pancakes), and other various side dishes (no pic). The picture on the right is the entree they brought out next. After eating all that other food this is what they expected us to eat. But wait that's not it. Following the entree they brought out a soup made from all the remains of the fish. Pretty ridiculous but amazing at the same time.

Well I hope you enjoyed the post and I'll try my best to be more diligent about writing but I can't promise anything. Hope all is well.
