Tuesday, May 20, 2008

May 17 & 20, 2008: My Family


So I had a great experience this last weekend and today. I finally met up with my family, more specifically my aunt(my mom's side), uncle and two cousins. It was great seeing a somewhat familiar face. I say this because my aunt is so much like my mom, both tough little ladies. It was a pretty easy transition too because my cousin and uncle both speak English pretty well. I really forgot how supportive family is in the Korean culture. I'm not sure if many of you know but family is #1 here in Korea.

It's interesting, Mindy wanted to do a community newsletter in one of her classes so she began by introducing the concept of a community, but this pretty much flew over their heads. Which may surprise many of you but remember in Korean your family is your community. But other then the support my aunt has been working hard to set me up right. I finally got a cell phone, which is pretty much an extra appendage here. There so important that many people are unwilling to associate with anyone that doesn't have one. The funny things is that I thought American's had a problem with cell phones, but we're just a drop in the bucket compared to Koreans. People use their phones for everything and everywhere. I see people on a regular basis watching TV on their cell phones while riding the subway, UNDGERGROUND!

Other then the cell phone my aunt has been setting me up with food, basic household supplies and getting my Visa. I'm so grateful that I have family here, I can't imagine how difficult it is for people who know nobody here. Going through all this with my family has just alleviated so much stress. Well I hope all is well and make sure you tell the people close to you that you love them because you never know when you may need their support.



Anonymous said...

Hey Sunny! My sister is now interested in teaching abroad! Keep up the good work. --Nick

Suzanne said...

Hey Sunny! Its very cool living vicariously through your experiences and interpretations of Korean customs, culture, OCD issues and priorities. Almost shocking is the academic setting/system and the cell phone addiction; I'm sure America is not far behind; just today I was watching a YouTube video someone sent me on my blackberry; it was so cool, I replayed it several times - so I get the cell fone affliction issues. Ever since you requested that crazy last workout from JC, all the other trainers have been near saddistic in our V-Fit classes. We all miss you at Velocity. Hoping to see a picture of the shower you described earlier on your blog, my mind creates a visual but actually seeing it would be cool. Take Care - Suzanne