Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sept. 16, 2008: Nori Bang Fun

안 녕

I was looking through my blog recently and realized that I haven't talked about one of my favorite places in Korea, the nori bang. Nori bang translates to singing room; which is a private room fully equipped with a karaoke machine, tv, surround sound, and to top it all off, tambourines. Most people usually go there after a night of drinking (drinking? who's drinking?) to sing their hearts out. It's a pretty amazing place to sober up and blow off some steam. You may be asking, aren't all the songs in Korean? Well most of them are, but there's actually a pretty decent selection of American songs (such as We Built This City). These places are open all night and conveniently located everywhere, and I mean on every corner.

It's a pretty common activity for people of all ages; I've heard old ladies and families usually go during the day and the younger crowds and businessmen frequent them at night. Unlike the U.S. people here aren't embarrassed at all about singing in front of other people. That was something that took me some time to get over and occasionally I'm still a bit hesitant. But when your with your friends it's pretty relaxing. I'm also really impressed with how well Koreans sing, most of the people I've gone out with have blown me away. But as most of you know I'm no Marvin Gaye. Nonetheless the night feels empty if I haven't gone to a nori bang. So if any of you make it out here plan on singing.

Thank you to all of those that wished me a happy birthday, it meant a lot. No worries if you forgot, I've certainly missed plenty myself. I definitely had a good time though, dinner, drinks and of course the nori bang.

While I was looking through a list of some of the songs I came upon this music video by Lionel Richie. If you have the time you gotta check it out, it's amazing!



Anonymous said...

Hi Sunny-

Sorry I haven't wrote but it's been busy at home, but I've been keeping up on your blogs...cracking up and enjoying them. This one so far made me laughed out loud...and get a picture of you singing in a room by yourself...only because you said it was private room that people go in so all I could see was you singing Built this City after a few drinks banging the tambourines. Rock the Nori Bang! Keep on blogging and enjoy every min of your new Adventure. Talk to you later.


Sunny said...

Hi Nicole,

The rooms are private for you and your friends. But I still think it would be awesome to rock a room by yourself. I hear many people go on their own to practice. Thanks for commenting.
